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Signs and Symptoms of Wet Brain

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome is caused by a lack of thiamine (also known as vitamin B1), which the brain needs to function. Thiamine keeps the “message-senders” of the brain operating properly. The body does not naturally produce thiamine, so humans have to get it through the food they consume. Dr. Deena is a doctor of psychology and licensed clinical social worker since 1993. Dr. Deena has appeared regularly on the Dr. Phil Show as an expert since 2003. She has also been featured on many other TV shows, podcasts and has contributed to written publications as well as podcasts.

late stage alcoholism wet brain

It is actually two diseases under the term “wet brain syndrome,” with each disease caused by alcohol-related thiamine deficiency. The Korsakoff’s psychosis stage of WKS is seen as a residual condition that results when brain damage goes untreated. It is possible for non-alcoholics to develop the thiamine deficiency that causes WKS. Long-term alcohol abuse, however, is the most common way this condition begins.

Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome

Even when someone stops drinking, the symptoms of Wernicke syndrome will remain. Various treatments can help with the disease and slow or stop the progression. When people develop Korsakoff’s psychosis, vitamin deficiency is present, and sudden, heavy intake of glucose occurs—resulting in what’s commonly known as the wet brain. Many alcoholics lack the support they need to seek treatment and receive a formal diagnosis. However, a less commonly known health problem related to alcohol abuse and addiction is wet brain, also known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. This is both a physical and psychological condition that can be life-threatening if left untreated.

What is the life expectancy of a person with wet brain?

Life expectancy Wet brain, or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, is highly variable. One study found over 50% of patients diagnosed with the condition are expected to die within 8 years.

This website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs. If you or a loved need to safely detox from drugs or alcohol, contact Southern California Sunrise Recovery Center Today. Holidays should be a time of celebration and joy, but for some individuals, they’re anything but this. Mixing antidepressants and alcohol is not recommended, as alcohol can worsen depression symptoms. These physical changes to the brain can impact other areas of the body as well.

What Is The Life Expectancy of Someone With Wet Brain?

Alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin B1, so people who binge drink on a regular basis or who consume large amounts of alcohol frequently may develop wet brain. Even though the symptoms of the second stage of wet brain syndrome can’t be reversed, medical professionals may still administer additional thiamine through an IV or supplement. The additional thiamine may be able to stop the progression of wet brain syndrome. You won’t notice an improvement in your symptoms, but you won’t notice a worsening of your symptoms. If left untreated, Korsakoff psychosis can eventually lead to death. It is extremely important that if you suspect you or someone you love suffers from wet brain syndrome, you get them the help they need.

What is the average age of death for alcoholics?

Conclusion. People hospitalized with alcohol use disorder have an average life expectancy of 47–53 years (men) and 50–58 years (women) and die 24–28 years earlier than people in the general population.

There are many misconceptions about alcoholism that make it sound like an alcoholic is an easy person to spot, however, many alcoholics function effectively and lead relatively normal lives. To minimize health risks, detox should only be attempted under close medical supervision. The detox team will provide the needed treatments to help reduce withdrawal symptoms as they emerge.

Helping a Loved One With Wet Brain

But abstaining from alcohol is the key to recovering from wet brain. For those with Korsakoff syndrome, 20% can recover from wet brain with supplemental treatment. Yes, in some instances, it may be possible to reverse the symptoms of wet brain. The symptoms will vary on whether a person is in the stages of Wernicke’s encephalopathy or Korsakoff’s psychosis. Vitamin B1 deficiencies are rare occurrences in the U.S., except in people who regularly abuse alcohol or have a severe autoimmune disorder such as HIV or AIDS.

However, it is not well understood who has wet brain because of alcohol abuse or from poor nutrition. It is also not possible to accurately estimate who all has wet brain because many people with severe alcoholism do not seek treatment or are homeless and are not evaluated for the condition. However, current statistics show mush brain that more men than women have wet brain, and the age groups most affected by the disorder are between the ages of 30 and 70. Alcohol can have a serious long-term impact on the brain and even damage cognitive functions. One of the more devastating effects of chronic alcohol abuse is something referred to as wet brain.

What are the Symptoms of Wet brain?

Chronic alcoholism inflicts progressively greater tolls on an addict, many of which can be cured through abstinence and treatment. Cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and cardiovascular disease are some of the more common damaging effects of chronic alcohol abuse, but wet brain is also one of the lesser-known effects of alcohol addiction. Wet brain in aslcoholics is less common than some of the other side effects of alcohol abuse, but it can still occur. Approximately 6.2% of Americans aged 18 years old and older meet the clinical criteria for alcohol use disorder. When most people think about drinking-related problems, they picture car accidents, fights, and run-ins with the police.

The condition primarily affects those in the 30 to 70 years old bracket. Heavy drinkers often follow a poor diet due to nausea and other lifestyle choices. The second part of the treatment process for wet brain syndrome is to seek help from an addiction treatment program. Getting help for your addiction is important, especially if you suffer from wet brain syndrome, because the disorder will continue to progress if you don’t stop drinking. Seeking medical treatment is the first step of the treatment process for wet brain syndrome.

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